Do Background Checks and Listen do Your Gut! childcare hire a nanny momproject momselfcare nanny search workingmom workingparent Apr 05, 2022
Do Background Checks and Listen do Your Gut!

By now, most folks following the Same Team community know I have deep respect for the work of nannies and have acknowledged how much our family has benefitted from working with nannies.  Inside my online course , I outline Nanny Industry Standards, the right way to come to a pay range, tax/legal items, and how important communication and respect are in the parent-nanny relationship.


As we know, the nanny industry is an unregulated one meaning that anyone can claim they are a “nanny” without having met even the basic standards the International Nanny Association (link) has set forth.  There is no license required confirming one’s nanny status and anyone can post as a nanny seeking work online.


In my workshop, I touch on one of my top 5 worst parenting moments of my life.  I hadn’t done the most thorough reference screening or background check at one point in my nanny-hiring career, and went with someone who “seemed nice and like I could trust them.”  One morning, I had landed a position at an ivy league school and was rushing to work to present a key piece of research I had been working on.  We had been working with this person (who identified as a nanny) for a few months and all seemed fine.  When she was late for work one day I didn’t think much of it.  Yet something seemed off… and I almost didn’t listen to my gut as I was rushing out the door.  Something almost physically pulled me back and said “slow down, pay attention.”  When I noted the behavior and state of the nanny, she seemed to be under the influence of some kind of substance.  I gently but firmly got her an uber home and quickly terminated the work relationship thereafter.  I was shocked and numb that as an educated, responsible adult I was *this close* to leaving my son in a potentially dangerous situation.  I was just so glad I caught it and acted fast.


This story is one of the many reasons I created my online course for parents - so they screen, hire, and work with nannies (and even babysitters) the absolutely right way.  If I had done a more thorough reference check, really asked the right questions, a background check, and hung around more during the trial period, I’m not sure I would have made the hire.  I don’t want other parents to make the mistakes I did.  What could be more important than ensuring our most precious gems, our kids, are cared for in most safe, best ways?

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