Do Background Checks and Listen do Your Gut! childcare hire a nanny momproject momselfcare nanny search workingmom workingparent Apr 05, 2022

By now, most folks following the Same Team community know I have deep respect for the work of nannies and have acknowledged how much our family has benefitted from working with nannies.  Inside my online course , I outline Nanny Industry Standards, the right way to come to a pay range,...

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Coming to the end of 0-5 Years Old Space childcare momproject momselfcare parenting workingmom workingparent Mar 29, 2022

I can’t believe I’m saying it but I will have a kindergartner and a third grader in just a few short months.  They both will wait for the big yellow school bus.  They both will have full days of school.  At the same school.

I need a minute to let that sink in.

I know...

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No More Wild Wild West Nanny searches! childcare hire a nanny momproject nanny workingmom Mar 22, 2022

You may be feeling like a tired, bewildered tumbleweed blowing through the mesa of online nanny search sites… but do not fret.  Same Team is here!  If you haven’t enrolled in our free nanny search + hire tips workshop what are you waiting for??

Parents coming out of...

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Why We Shouldnā€™t Cancel Parents childcare momproject momselfcare same team online course workingmom workingparent Mar 08, 2022

I confess, I was SUPER nervous to present my talk on why we shouldn’t cancel parents to the International Nanny Association (INA) last week.  I know that less than ideal exchanges between parents and nannies unfold on social media platforms, and in actuality both sides can take steps...

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What a Nanny Taught Me childcare hire a nanny momproject momselfcare nanny nanny search Mar 01, 2022

I recently asked parents on social media, “What has a nanny taught you?”  I was blown away by the response!  I look forward to sharing those responses with you in the next few weeks, but for today’s blog I wanted to focus on what nannies have taught me over the years.

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What is my WHY for the Same Team Childcare course?! childcare hire a nanny momproject nanny search same team online course Feb 15, 2022

I’ve been researching nannies and parents for about the past year.  In developing the Same Team Online Course, I came from the parents’ typical online search perspective: why am I struggling to find the right matches?!  I had an idea of common experiences on care dot come...

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Is finding the right nanny likeā€¦ falling in love?! childcare hire a nanny momproject nanny nanny search parenting Feb 08, 2022

When my son was about 4 months old, I started searching for the first nanny we would work with.  I began the process the same way so many parents do:  they ask other parents (online and offline) how they found the nanny they worked with.  When I was chatting with one particular...

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The Big Hairy Secret Among Working Moms childcare momproject momselfcare workingmom Jan 14, 2022

There’s a hush-hush secret that has been passed around on playgrounds and by the water cooler for many working mothers: it’s often easier to go to our work-outside-the-home jobs versus our mom jobs inside the home.  I remember when I finally took the leap to work with a nanny...

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