No More Wild Wild West Nanny searches! childcare hire a nanny momproject nanny workingmom Mar 22, 2022
 No More Wild Wild West Nanny searches!

You may be feeling like a tired, bewildered tumbleweed blowing through the mesa of online nanny search sites… but do not fret.  Same Team is here!  If you haven’t enrolled in our free nanny search + hire tips workshop what are you waiting for??

Parents coming out of the pandemic cannot afford to do the nanny (or babysitter) self-search without a tool to guide them.  As a parent, I created the Same Team Online Course for BOTH parents and nannies to take together to get on the same page!  It doesn’t matter what kind of nanny or parent you are, there is GOLD inside the course and plenty of several nanny agency secrets to help make you confident and successful in your nanny search, hire, and onboarding process.

I have so many experienced nannies telling me they wish they had a course like Same Team when they were getting started.  Similarly, parents who have grown children realize having a course like this would have saved them plenty of time and headaches!

So listen, enroll in the FREE workshop and pay close attention about 15 minutes in… I have a very special offer on the Same Team course you won’t want to miss!

See you on the inside!

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