What a Nanny Taught Me
Mar 01, 2022I recently asked parents on social media, “What has a nanny taught you?” I was blown away by the response! I look forward to sharing those responses with you in the next few weeks, but for today’s blog I wanted to focus on what nannies have taught me over the years.
I had the stark realization that most of my family members simply didn’t know what to do with my highly colicky, screaming baby. I was alone for many long days, many days a week, and felt like somewhat of a “failure” in signing up for a care.com account after 6 weeks of sleep depravity and constant screaming. I felt like I should be able to do this alone - right?! I decided I needed SOMEONE who could handle my alert little guy, even for a few hours while I closed my eyes in the room next door. I was nervous but I took the plunge: I did the best I could to slap together a job description, my rate offering, and before I knew it I was calling a few references for nanny candidates. I remember Bina was one of the first nannies I worked with – she had been a nanny for many years and was calm and cool in her Nanny Practice. She was more patient and confident than almost anyone I had seen with my son! She saw his cute and fun traits and was not taken aback by his screaming. She leaned into his elaborate soothing routines with grace and posie… always telling me not to worry and that “she’s got it” the whole time. I’ll never forget how she taught me to trust someone (and in her case I trusted her more!) outside of my family in being a care partner with my children.
I am thankful for Bina and SO many of the things nannies have taught me. Through the Same Team project, I have had the joy of learning from 100s of nannies who have followed my work, been 1:1 consultants for the project, and those I’ve interview in my “Nanny Practice chat” on instagram: same.team.childcare
So, what has a nanny taught you?
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